Cartiva is a company that designed a medical device. Specifically, it sold the Cartiva toe implant across the U.S. from 2016 to 2024. As we understand it now, Cartiva, or at least people associated with Cartiva, used the underlying technology or concept in Europe years before. That is why they knew or should have known it would not work in the U.S. as a toe implant. Nonetheless, Cartiva created a toe implant that looks like a gum drop.
They applied to the FDA in 2015 and FDA approved the product in 2016. Cartiva sought to treat hallux limitus and hallux rigidus. Hallux limitus is basically early-stage big toe arthritis, or limited movement but not fully stiff. Hallux rigidus is essentially severe big toe arthritis, which is almost or completely stiff joint.
Treatment Options Besides Cartiva
Treatment options for hallux rigidus include on-surgical and surgical approaches. Non-surgical treatments for hallux rigidus include
- Footwear modifications like stiff-soled or rocker-bottom shoes to reduce joint motion or shoes with a roomy toe box to avoid pressure on the toe.
- Orthotic devices including custom insoles or arch supports to redistribute pressure away from the big toe and carbon fiber plates or “Morton’s extension” to limit excessive movement.
- Medications are another option. Drugs include NSAIDs (e.g., ibuprofen, naproxen) to reduce pain and inflammation and corticosteroid injections for temporary relief of severe pain and inflammation.
- Physical therapy is another option. That includes stretching and strengthening exercises to maintain flexibility and reduce stiffness and ultrasound or cold laser therapy for pain relief.
- One might also modify their activities by avoiding high-impact activities like running or switching to lower-impact exercises such as swimming or cycling.
Surgically patients have options too.
Surgical Alternatives to Cartiva
Besides the aforementioned non-surgical treatments, a doctor might recommend surgery. Here are some of the surgery options for big toe arthritis.
Cheilectomy, which involves removal of bone spurs and part of the joint to increase mobility.
Osteotomy, which is cutting and repositioning the bone to realign the joint.
Arthrodesis or fusion surgery wherein the surgeon fuses the big toe joint using screws or plates.
Arthroplasty, or joint replacement with an artificial implant.
Hallux Limitus vs. Hallux Rigidus Treatment Options
Doctors might treat the other version, hallux limitus, similarly. The main difference is that with hallux limitus the focus is on preserving movement and preventing progression so non-surgical treatments may bemore effective. Whereas by comparison, hallux rigidus involves the loss of motion already, so treatments focus on pain relief, often leading to fusion or joint replacement.
Informational only, do not rely, we’re not doctors
The Broken Promise of Cartiva
Cartiva presented a new option. There were other toe implants like pyrocarbon and metal options. Cartiva was a different material. Doctors were optimistic when Cartiva began selling.
A couple companies bought and sold the Cartiva toe implant product line, Wright Medical and then Stryker. Along the way, surgeons reported the Cartiva toe implant failed to live up to the hype. Pain persisted and mobility was not increased for many. Many more patients needed their surgeon to remove the Cartiva surgically. The Cartiva implant is now subject to several product liability claims and after a recall, the product is now off the market.
KBA Pursues Cartiva Toe Implant Legal Claims
KBA has worked on Cartiva toe implant for years. Starting with the medical literature, then working closely with doctors and surgeons who used, tested, and removed Cartiva, KBA developed a network of expertise. Listening to hundreds of patients’ heartfelt stories and representing them through their recovery, KBA has been the go-to Cartiva law firm for clients and other law firms across the country.
KBA has nurtured Cartiva toe implant legal claims by employing their decades of experience. KBA law firm medical device lawsuits have involved hard fought legal and strategic batters, experience that serves its clients well. As Cartiva appears in the news again. The company recalled the Cartiva implant. Top Cartiva Implant Lawyers
The recent Cartiva implant recall is a game changer. The attorneys at KBA remain here to help clients navigate the Cartiva recall. Anyone who had a Cartiva toe implant should seek medical advice. Additionally, if you have any of the Cartiva implant failure symptoms described herein, you should contact KBA for legal advice and see if a Cartiva implant lawsuit is best, or other options that may be available.
KBA Attorneys are Respected Product Liability Attorneys and Cartiva Implant Lawyers
KBA Attorneys is a law firm that litigates product liability cases. A type of product that sometimes fails and injures people is a medical device. The FDA defines a medical device something used to
- Diagnose, treat, prevent, or mitigate disease; or
- Affect humans’ body structure or function;
in a way that does not involve primarily chemical actions within or on the body, and that the body does not have to metabolize to achieve its primary intended purpose. See more at FDA here.
The Cartiva toe implant is a medical device. More importantly, the Cartiva implant is a medical device that fails. Learn more about Cartiva implant failure symptoms below.
Because the Cartiva implant fails, surgeons must remove it surgically. Left with little bone, many patients then need a big toe fusion. As a result, these patients may have Cartiva toe implant legal claims.
KBA Attorneys is a Leading Authority on the Cartiva Toe Implant
The Cartiva toe implant is a medical device. KBA litigates, tries, and settles medical device cases. Our medical device attorneys have extensive experience working on medical devices, including Cartiva. The Cartiva implant is well within the KBA wheelhouse. KBA was on the Cartiva toe implant from the start.
Our medical device lawyers speak at industry events about the substantive law, about legal process and strategy, and other related topics. We are currently working on several medical device cases, including the Cartiva toe implant.
The Cartiva implant came to the US in 2016. KBA Attorneys has worked with Cartiva for years. Our attorneys studied the Cartiva implant. They recognize Cartiva implant failure symptoms from working directly with patients and reviewing thousands of pages of medical records.
Our Cartiva toe implant attorneys have spoken with treating physicians – the doctors who implanted the Cartiva toe implant and the surgeons who performed Cartiva toe implant removal surgery. We have engaged experts on the Cartiva toe implant. Doctors who studied the clinical research, the adverse events, the medical literature, and reviewed Cartiva toe implant cases. We assembled a team of preeminent specialists to litigate Cartiva toe implants.
We handle our Cartiva cases personally; we do not refer our cases to other law firms. KBA brings unparalleled experience to Cartiva. We continue to fight for our Cartiva clients.
The recent Cartiva implant recall requires the experience and knowledge KBA’s attorneys bring to the table. The Cartiva recall removes the product from the market, but it does not resolve the pain and suffering people suffered before the Cartiva implant recall.
KBA Attorneys Works with Top Experts on Cartiva
KBA is dedicated to patients who had a Cartiva implant. Surgeons implant the Cartiva toe implant in hopes it reduces pain. Many patients had to have the Cartiva removed, more than expected. KBA investigated this higher failure rate to see if there was a potential medical device lawsuit involved.
We began by working with top medical experts to learn about the Cartiva implant. Our attorneys spoke with doctors and surgeons who treat toe injuries. We engaged experts who studied and used many toe implants, including the Cartiva toe implant. Our experts knew the science, the medicine, and the clinical research regarding the Cartriva implant. Our medical device lawyers went back to school effectively to understand the intricacies. They taught us Cartiva implant failure symptoms, for example.
A this point, KBA’s medical device attorneys have also spoken with hundreds of patients about their Cartiva implant failure symptoms, Cartiva toe implant removal surgery, and impact the Cartiva implant has had on their lives. Our clients are the experts on the real-world consequences of this device. They know Cartiva implant failure symptoms best, and they know what the Cartiva toe implant has done to people first-hand. From our experience with hundreds of Cartiva toe implant patients and led by partner, Whitney Butcher, our team understands the broken promises and pain.
Our Cartiva toe implant attorneys’ unparalleled direct experience with patients, surgeons, and other experts, combined with our legal expertise in medical device cases, make us the leading authority on Cartiva. We engaged the top experts, surgeons and others who implanted these devices, studied the supposed safety data, and know the device well. We know the FDA regulatory history, the clinical science, and the medicine. KBA has worked through the Cartiva toe implant literature, data, and the consequences of a Cartiva implant failure by speaking directly with our clients, so we have every Cartiva toe implant case covered.
We continue to fight for those who suffer from a Cartiva toe implant. Contact us right away if you have had problems with a Cartiva toe implant. Learn more about Cartiva here.
Cartiva Toe Implants and Cartiva Implant Lawsuits
As people get older, they often develop arthritis. When arthritis develops in a person’s foot, it can impact their ability to get around and their overall mobility. One of the most common forms of arthritis is hallux rigidus, or big toe arthritis, which occurs at the base of a person’s big toe. This condition often causes excruciating pain.
The Cartiva implant held high hopes as a treatment option. Many sufferers undergo toe fusion surgeries to alleviate the pain, but fusing two toes together could reduce their mobility. In recent years, people have had the option of choosing big toe implant surgery, which is supposed to reduce pain and leave people with almost full mobility. However, the Cartiva implants can cause additional problems, resulting in further pain and injury. When a surgeon must remove the Cartiva toe implant, the patient may be able to bring a Cartiva implant failure lawsuit. These are individual lawsuits; we are unaware of a Cartiva toe implant class action in the U.S.
The Cartiva Story
A group of enterprising people wanted to design a new medical device. They had an idea regarding new material to use in novel ways. The team developed the Cartiva concept and deployed it in Europe first. They ran a company called, Cartiva, and sought to market the Cartiva toe implant in the US.
I.) Cartiva Toe Implants Emerge in 2016
In 2015, Cartiva sought FDA approval for its new product to treat big toe arthritis – the Cartiva Synthetic Cartilage Implant. The Cartiva Implant involved a small, hydrogel implant (made of the same substance as a contact lens) being surgically implanted inside the base of the big toe. The Cartiva toe implant would sit several millimeters proud and was supposed to mimic the feel of natural, human cartilage, doing away with the bone-on-bone contact that was causing the patient’s pain and limited mobility and allowing the patient to freely move the joint.
Cartiva got to market through FDA via a clinical study. It presented a failure rate that has not held up.
A.) The Cartiva MOTION Study
To obtain FDA approval, Cartiva commissioned the MOTION study, a prospective, non-inferiority study evaluating the Cartiva implant as compared to the gold-standard fusion. The authors of the MOTION study concluded that Cartiva provided equivalent pain relief and functional outcomes and was an “excellent alternative” to a fusion where patients wished to maintain motion in the great toe. Critically, the MOTION study found that less than ten (10%) of those implanted with Cartiva failed within the first two years.
Unfortunately, these results were not replicated in patients outside of the trial in our view. Thousands of patients began receiving Cartiva, hopeful they would be able to retain their range of motion, run marathons, and wear shoes of their choice. However, the true Cartiva implant failure rate proved to be far higher.
Countless patients have suffered from Cartiva toe implants. Many often undergo additional surgeries to remove the Cartiva implant failure, graft the bone loss caused by Cartiva and have the joint fused. Let’s explore why by first learning how Cartiva works.
II.) How Do Cartiva Toe Implants Work?
People undergo toe implant surgery to relieve pain. Cartiva implant surgery is a minimally invasive procedure, and the recovery time was not expected to be as long as with traditional surgeries. With implant surgery, doctors install a synthetic implant into the big toe joint, which acts like human cartilage. It allows people to move their implanted joint freely, meaning that a person should be able to resume their normal activities after a successful surgery.
If a patient experiences problems after their toe implant surgery, they should consult with their doctor who could come up with a treatment plan to help relieve their pain. After consulting with their doctors, they may also seek legal assistance to see if the Cartiva toe implant failed and compensation may be appropriate.
A team of dedicated lawyers has experience reviewing medical records and could help a patient better understand the results of their surgery, future expected prognosis, and the likelihood of success with a legal claim.
III.) Cartiva Toe Implant Failures
Since 2016, thousands of patients across the U.S. suffering from big toe arthritis used Cartiva. Despite Cartiva’s promise that the Cartiva toe implant alleviates the pain and mobility restrictions associated with bone-on-bone arthritis, the Cartiva toe implant failed in many patients. Cartiva resulted in further pain and injury. Indeed, one company designed a product specifically to address failed Cartiva implants naming it after the device, spelled backwards. Sort of mocking Cartiva, the product is call AVITRAC.
A.) Cartiva Problems – Cartiva Toe Implant Failure Symptoms
Clinical trials suggested Cartiva surgery results were superior to traditional toe fusion surgeries or other treatment options. However, actual Cartiva patients had more difficulties than expected with the surgery. The Cartiva surgeries have not been as successful at alleviating pain or increasing mobility for many patients. In addition, several Cartiva patients have more pain and foot problems from the Cartiva toe implant. Indeed, a special Cartiva toe implant failure cluster emerged.
Common Cartiva implant failure symptoms may include:
- Pain in the joint
- Grinding
- Limited mobility
- Gait affect, such as limping or favoring the other leg
- Cartiva revision and removal surgeries
- Subsidence
- Implant slippage
The Cartiva implant recall in 2024 is a direct result of failures like this. The Cartiva recall arose because the Cartiva implant is not what FDA approved in terms of its safety profile. Cartiva implant lawsuits and post-market reports show it is more risky.
The Cartiva toe implant is very smooth. Cartiva’s smoothness can cause it to slip. The device is also prone to subsidence. This means it can cave or slip directly into the attached bone. The causes intense pain and mobility issues when subsidence occurs. Some doctors also believe Cartiva is not very durable and does not hold up well over time, leading to future problems.
Another mechanism of action for the Cartiva failure concerns bone degradation. The toe implant surgeon will drill a hole into the bone. The Cartiva toe implant goes into the hole. Cartiva therefore requires disturbing the bone and loss of bone. This can weaken the remaining bone. Thus, the Cartiva can fail in several other ways.
How Long Does Cartiva Implant Last?
We have reviewed thousands of pages of medical records concerning the Cartiva implant. Cartiva did not include a specific lifespan, but Cartiva did represent the product would last for years. Our experience suggests Cartiva lasts a few years on average. A medical professional would know how long does Cartiva implant last, but we have not seen many last five years. Since the product came to market and we have represented people for years, that seems like a high water mark for at least some Cartiva implants.
After having a Cartiva implant, many patients start to observe classic Cartiva implant failure symptoms. Cartiva problems include new and worsening pain. The Cartiva implant simply failed to provide the pain relief and mobility promised.
This higher-than-expected rate caused Cartva implant lawsuits, and ultimately, the Cartiva implant recall. The Cartiva recall just happened, so people who had a Cartiva implant are just learning about this. Many are interested in a Cartiva implant lawsuit to receive compensation for the injuries the Cartiva implant caused.
B.) The Significant Consequences from Cartiva
Many patients with Cartiva toe implants will eventually need additional surgeries to remove the Cartiva or otherwise address the problems Cartiva caused. This leads to further pain. It can cause other complications.
The final stop after Cartiva appears to be a fusion of the two bones in the big toe. Here’s what AI created as an image for Arthrodesis of the Big Toe Joint. (Notice the AI botched it – six toes. The machines aren’t ready to replace us just yet.) Put simply, after removing Cartiva, the surgeon attaches the two bones in the big toe.
In many cases, undergoing a fusion after a failed Cartiva is a more difficult surgery with less favorable results than if the patient would have received a primary fusion in the first place instead of Cartiva. This can result in patients undergoing third and fourth surgeries following a failed Cartiva toe implant, hardware removal surgeries, and complications due to infection.
Cartiva Failures – What to do if the Cartiva toe implant fails?
We are not healthcare professionals, but several surgeons spoke out about the Cartiva toe implant. They shared their personal observations with the company and share suggestions for patients. Here’s one example:
C.) Economic Losses on Top of Pain and Suffering from Cartiva
Cartiva patients might need to take time away from their jobs while they heal. That lost income may be compensable. Cartiva can also cause unnecessary medical expenses and related economic losses. So Cartiva patients may recover several categories of damages, though in most cases it comes in the form of a lump sum, not broken out by category.
It is important to note that when third parties cover the cost of these medical treatments, they can have a right to subrogation or a lien. This means they can claim an interest in the injured party’s recover in a Cartiva implant lawsuit or claim. This is one of many reasons why good legal representation is important.
A knowledgeable Cartiva attorney can help an injured patient recover compensation for this defective product and navigate these complex legal waters. A medical device lawyer should understand the legal issues involved, be able to advocate the client’s unique experience, and work to secure sufficient resources to cover these third party interests, in addition to pain and suffering. This can be difficult when companies want to low-ball and drag out litigation.
Cartiva Toe Implant Removal
If the Cartiva toe implant fails to provide pain relief, causes infection, fails to support mobility or for other reasons, a surgeon may advise patients remove the Cartiva toe implant. This is a second surgery.
Cartiva toe implant removals became so popular, a different company created a product around the surgery. Named after Cartiva by spelling the name backwards, a company created a Cartiva toe implant removal device.
IV.) The End of Cartiva
First came the Cartiva implant lawsuit. After eight years on the market, Cartiva is now done. The current owner of Cartiva, the Stryker company, recalled the product in October 2024.
We have recently about the Cartiva recall extensively.
KBA Attorneys Has Unmatched Experience with Cartiva
KBA’s medical device attorneys have worked on Cartiva for years. We bring years of experience working directly with medical devices. Our lawyers have served in Plaintiff Steering Committees for medical devices. From depositions to trials, KBA has done it all and brings incredible experience to Cartiva.
KBA Attorneys publish articles, present webinars, speak at industry events, and lead organizations within the legal profession. Recognized with awards, backed by decades of experience, supported by success, KBA Attorneys is the authority on Cartiva. We handle the cases individually, working each up ourselves as part of a team of partners, paralegals, and co-counsel.
Our partner Whitney Butcher provides some basic facts.
If Your Cartiva Implant Hasn’t Stopped the Pain or Given Returned Range of Motion, Seek Medical Attention and Consult KBA Attorneys
Cartiva can cause problems. The current owner of the Cartiva toe implant understands that. The Cartiva recall now acknowledges it.
If a big toe surgery involving a Cartiva toe implant has caused you problems, you might be eligible to seek compensation or file a Cartiva implant lawsuit. Problems include persistent or worsening pain or limited mobility. In such situations, patients should first consult with their doctor to come up with a treatment plan. They may also Contact Us – KBA Attorneys to see if there may be a legal claim related to your Cartiva implant failure.
Cartiva Claims Status and Cartiva Implant Lawsuit Update
From time to time, we see Cartiva implant lawsuits filed. Seems few and far between. Another just hit the news in April 2024, Orthopedics Maker Faces Migrating Arthritis Implant Lawsuit ( Our analysis is that this Cartiva implant failure lawsuit presents the same complaint as another law firm filed a year or so ago, not much new other than another person hurt by the device.
You can check our blog for more updates. We have some included for you here:
- Whitney Butcher gives the quick scoop on Cartiva Toe Implant cases – KBA Attorneys
- Another Cartiva Toe Implant Lawsuit Filed – KBA Attorneys
- Recent Publication Says Cartiva Toe Implant Failure Rate Higher Than Initially Reported – KBA Attorneys
- Cartiva Toe Implant Failure (
- KBA Attorneys now accepting new clients in the Cartiva toe implant lawsuit
- Problems with Cartiva Toe Implants
- The Biggest Failures of Cartiva Toe Implants
As of October 2024, there are two active cartiva implant lawsuit that we are tracking. A cartiva implant lawsuit can have implications for all cases. We’ve seen defendants parade around to other courts a bad ruling on issues like preemption and statute of limitations. So we’re keeping eyes on every Cartiva implant lawsuit.
Learn More about Cartiva Toe Implants and Cartiva Implant Lawsuits From KBA Attorney, Whitney Butcher
KBA Attorneys have an excellent partner working on Cartiva cases, Whitney Butcher ( Ms. Butcher is a medical device trial attorney at KBA with experience in all aspects of medical device lawsuits. Our legal team has studied Cartiva implant reviews from patients across the country. We understand the science and medicine.
Ms. Butcher provides the sixty-second overview here:
Ms. Butcher works with KBA’s experts regularly. She learns the science and medicine to understand how they operate within our legal system. Whitney speaks with patients regularly; she is a true advocate. She is leading the Cartiva toe implant failure matter at KBA with a client-centered focus rooted in the law and cutting-edge strategies to bring clients’ cases to life.
If you believe you are worse after a Cartiva toe implant surgery, call your physician first. Then reach out to us. A seasoned attorney can review your legal options and we can educate you about Cartiva toe and the Cartiva Implant Lawsuits.
These implants are medical devices and present complex legal issues. The attorneys at KBA are experienced medical device lawyers. You might be eligible to seek legal relief against the manufacturers of the defective implant that caused you harm. Contact us today to find out.
Contact Us To Discuss The Specifics Of Your Potential Cartiva Claim And A Cartiva Implant Lawsuit
An attorney may be able to help you obtain damages to compensate you for your physical, emotional, and financial losses arising from the Cartiva implant failure. Contact us to reach our skilled, compassionate legal team today to learn how to get started on your potential case.
Here’s a library of Cartiva material to help you in your journey concerning the Cartiva implant.
Metatarsal Phalangeal Joint Replacement and Cartiva Implant Lawsuits
Recent Publication Says Cartiva Toe Implant Failure Rate Higher Than Initially Reported
The Cartiva Implant Saga is Coming to an End – The Cartiva Toe Implant Recall
Do I Qualify for a Cartiva Implant Lawsuit?
If someone had a Cartiva implant, we want to speak with them. Not all failures may be related to a defective device, and so we have to review each individual’s medical records and circumstances. We speak with each client to understand their experience. Having litigated thousands of medical device cases, studied the science and medicine concerning Cartiva, and assembled an experienced team of professionals, we’re here to help. Some patients may still have the Cartiva toe implant within their big toe; that’s ok. Cartiva failure treatment options vary. We consider each Cartiva toe implant matter individually. In sum, to know if you qualify, we need more information.
Contact the Cartiva toe implant attorney today for a free consultation. Call now, 855-KBA-LAWS (522-5297) or email