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You’ve seen them around most cities, some college campuses, and in playgrounds electric scooters, escooters, or e-scooters, whichever you prefer. Some say electric scooters Baltimore is its own thing. Not as frequently discussed, however, is e-scooter accident. Electric scooters can be convenient, but also dangerous.

E-Scooter Accidents Are Common: Electric Scooter Injuries Are Significant

Vehicles, including trucks, are colliding with escooter riders. The e-scooters themselves fail. Brakes lockup, handle bars collapse, and they accelerate suddenly. Broken bones, face, head, and brain injuries are the result. Lithium batteries within electric scooters can explode, leak, or otherwise cause serious burns.

Electric scooter accidents result in visits to the emergency room (“ER”). Several studies show a spike in ER visits for electric scooter injuries from electric scooter accidents.

An e-scooter accident can happen many ways. They may be electric scooter collisions on the road, or they can arise from product failures. Whether it’s an e-scooters Baltimore, or an e-scooter anywhere else, KBA can help with all electric scooter injuries.

Electric Scooters Continue Increasing In Popularity Despite the Risks

Electric scooters, or e-scooters, are an increasingly popular method of transportation for those looking to cut down on commuting and rising fuel costs. Similar to the foot-propelled scooters popular with children, users ride on a rectangular base and hold onto handlebars. However, electric scooters are battery-operated and do not require users to propel themselves forward with their feet. Instead, software built into the scooter allows users to maneuver easily at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour. Most electric scooters operate at about 5-15 mph.

Why Are Electric Scooters Dangerous?

Many people do not use protective equipment while using electric scooters. Companies have to know this; nonetheless, they sell and rent electric scooters without equipment, which is dangerous. Electric scooters are dangerous in many ways.

E-scooter riders can drive into pedestrians or vehicles. Electric scooter collisions with vehicles on the road occur regularly. Vehicles hit electric scooters and vice versa, trucks and cars collide into e-scooters. Electric scooter accidents are increasing across the U.S.

Scooter injury cases continue to rise.

Protective Equipment Does Not Preclude All Dangers

What most people may not realize is that even when taking safety precautions, such as wearing a helmet or operating the escooter at reduced speeds, product defects can still lead to serious injuries and costly recovery. For example, we have found that in some instances foldable e-scooters can collapse, causing people to fall from them at a high rate of speed.

Many electronic scooters have a locking mechanism that is designed to keep the handlebars from folding down while operating the scooter. However, not all mechanisms are created equally. Instead, some are poorly designed and have caused serious injuries when these locking mechanisms malfunction. This leads to product liability claims.

If you or a loved one believes they are entitled to compensation after being injured due to am electric scooter collision or defective e-scooter, contact the professionals at KBA Attorneys to schedule a free consultation today. Otherwise, keep reading to learn more about e-scooter accidents.

How Can an Electric Scooter Be Defective?

We know vehicle collisions can involve escooters, but how else might escooter users encounter danger while using an e-scooter?

There are a number of ways in which an electric scooter, meant to be operated for commuting or recreation, can become dangerous. Faulty brakes or software, detaching hardware, and even escooter batteries that burst into flames have been reported by escooter users in recent years.

Examples of Electric Scooter Product Failures

Other common escooter defects include:

  • Failed locking mechanisms on foldable handlebars
  • Sticky throttles
  • Flat or improperly filled tires
  • Baseboard breaking in half during a ride
  • Software malfunctions

At this time, our firm is looking at all these issues, especially failed handlebars and battery explosions. The escooter design defects that result in exploding batteries and handlebars that collapse while riding can cause serious injuries.

Common Injuries Associated with Electric Scooter Defects

Accidents related to micro-mobility products, including e-scooters, e-bikes, and hoverboards, increased 70 percent from 2017 to 2020, according to the U.S Consumer Product Safety Commission. These injuries can result from defects in workmanship and the negligence of sellers to warn consumers or recall products that can be dangerous.

Some common electric scooter injuries include:

  • Head injuries/brain injuries (including traumatic brain injury or TBI, concussions, paralysis and loss of cognitive and physical function)
  • Burn injuries
  • Fractured arms or collarbones
  • Sprained ankles, ligaments, or tears
  • Fractures of the skull, face, and neck
  • Dental injuries (a study concerning the UK found higher dental injuries associated with eScooters).

Electric Scooter Injuries

Batteries can explode causing serious burn injuries that can results in amputation. Most people think about electric scooter injuries as involving broken bones and head injuries. Such e-scooter injuries in 2022 increased significantly. Here’s one report from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission:

E-scooter accidents involving collisions between pedestrians or vehicles and electric scooters result in broken bones. The risk of a head injury is particularly significant with electric scooters.

What should you do after sustaining an electric scooter injury from a defective escooter?

First, follow your doctor’s orders concerning medical treatment for the injuries you suffered. Second, save everything. Save your medical records concerning your injury, the purchase records, the materials you received from the seller and manufacturer such as instructions for use, and the device itself. Failing to preserve evidence can result in serious consequences later, including the dismissal of a claim forever. Third, take pictures of the device, the scene of the incident, and your injuries as they evolve. Keeping notes about how this has impacted you and your daily life activities can be helpful too, but exercise caution.

Of course, we recommend seeking legal advice. After sustaining an injury from a defective scooter, you have the right to file a personal injury lawsuit. You may sue the manufacturer or seller of the defective item for their negligence in designing defective products or failing to warn users of their risks. Lawsuits are not the only option, though, and in face may not be an option, so it is important to discuss your situation with an attorney.

What Happens if a Scooter Hits Your Car or What Happens if Your eScooter Hits a Car?

We’re lawyers, you know the answer – it depends! The facts do matter. Where the electric scooter was operating – in the road or on the sidewalk. How the e scooter accident happened – what made the e-scooter hit your car, how and why, can be determinative. The kind of scooter injury matters too – was it just property damage or also personal injuries. Each case requires an individual analysis, so contacting an electric scooter attorney is the best way to know for sure.

Buying E-Scooters on Amazon, eBay, Walmart, and Other Sites: What to Know

If you are buying an e-scooter from Amazon, choosing the right one is key to avoiding electric scooter injuries. Look for escooters with strong safety features like reliable brakes, durable construction, and non-slip decks. Check customer reviews and ratings to spot potential issues, and make sure the scooter meets local safety regulations.

Pay attention to what you’re signining. Some online retailers include arbitration agreements. These agreements alter your legal rights. You may be giving up your right to a jury trial if you buy from eBay for example.

More General Safety Tips for Electric Scooters

After purchasing the e-scooter, remember to wear protective gear like a helmet when riding and follow the manufacturer’s weight and speed guidelines. Follow the rules of the road and be alert. Here’s more from the U.S. Consumer Safety Product Commission:

Consumers should take these steps to prevent fires with micromobility devices: 

  • CPSC urges consumers to only use micromobility products that have been designed, manufactured, and certified for compliance with the applicable consensus safety standards.
  • Always be present when charging micromobility products, never while sleeping, and only use the supplied charger.
  • Only use an approved replacement battery pack.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for proper charging and unplug the device when done.
  • Never use an micromobility device with a battery pack that has been modified/reworked by unqualified personnel or with re-purposed or used cells.
  • NEVER throw lithium batteries into the trash or general recycling. Instead, take them to your local battery recycler or hazardous waste collection center.

Because collisions with motor vehicles and control issues are leading hazards, CPSC urges consumers to do the following:  

  • Watch CPSC’s PSA on safe riding.
  • Always wear a bicycle helmet when riding to protect your head in a fall.
  • Before riding, make sure to check for any damage, which includes examining the handlebars, brakes, throttle, bell, lights, tires, cables and frame.
  • See and be seen. Most deaths involve motor vehicles. Many micromobility products are small, quick, and quiet, making it difficult for others to spot you, especially in parking lots and structures.
    • Expect vehicle drivers and pedestrians not to see you; slow down and stay aware of your surroundings.
    • Use the bell/horn to alert others.
    • Do not make abrupt, unpredictable movements.
  • Beware of obstacles. E-scooters have small tires, so objects and uneven surfaces can cause them to stop suddenly, throwing you off.
    • Always keep both hands on the handlebars and keep items off the handlebars.
    • Slow down and lean back when you have to ride over bumps.
    • Never ride under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
    • Only one person per scooter; additional riders can increase the risk and severity of collisions.
  • Follow all manufacturer directions, review the safety information and identify and weight and age limits for the micromobility device.  This is not legal advise, but information. Use common sense and consult us if you want legal representation.

Even More Resources to Learn about eScooter Injuries

We have written about eScooter injuries several times in the past. This is not just a landing page for us in hopes we get clients every now again. We take electric scooter injuries seriously and have been involved in this for many years.

We provided information concerning potential labile parties. Understanding the legal process when one wants to pursue a claim is another topic we covered. Finally, we covered the potential theories of liability, how eScooters injure people. We will continue providing updates on the latest developments in this world.

Our running Blog list:

The CPSC has information about these products as well

What should I do if I was injured while riding an electric scooter?

After consulting a healthcare professional concerning your electric scooter injury, contact the experienced product liability experts at KBA Attorneys. Our electric scooter attorneys’ team will consider the information provided. We make ask for more information from you if we think we can help. If we contact you, we will let you know if you are eligible to assert a claim. Escooters present unique challenges and experience matters.