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Patients Injured from Defective Bard Powerport

Bard Powerport

Bard Powerport failure

What is a Bard PowerPort?

The Bard PowerPort is an implantable venous access device that doctors use primarily for patients who need frequent intravenous treatments, such as chemotherapy. It provides a convenient way to access the bloodstream without repeated needle sticks.

Despite its intended benefits, the Bard PowerPoint has been associated with significant problems. The FDA has received hundreds of reports of instances in which the PowerPoint failed. These reports indicate the Port can come loose and travel to the lungs or heart, erode and cause an infection, or cause internal bleeding.

What are the Issues with Bard PowerPorts?

The PowerPoint generally consists of two parts: the injection port and the plastic catheter. Barium sulfate is added to the catheter so that the device is easy to spot on a scan or X-ray. However, patients and doctors are reporting that the barium sulfate particles can separate from the catheter over time. This can lead to a breakdown of the plastic in the catheter, which can lead to a number of serious issues for the patient.

Bard PowerPort Adverse Events and Complications

Some complications with the PowerPort include:




device erosion

heart or lung perforation

device migration

catheter fracture

Once the barium sulfate breaks down, the surface of the catheter is prone to cracks, fractures, and divots. After the surface of the catheter erodes, the patient is at risk of serious injury. Hundreds of patients have required surgery for complications they experienced after their PowerPort eroded. In fact, one study found that as many as 6% of all patients who received a Bard PowerPort experienced a complication. Annals of Medicine & Surgery – Bard PowerPort Complications

Researchers have found that the plastic used in the injection port, polyoxymethylene, can undergo oxidative degradation. This can cause the port to fracture or break, which can create small crevices for bacterial colonization, leading to infection. 

Bard PowerPoint Litigation

Patients who were injured by their Bard PowerPort have already filed several hundred lawsuits. The federal courts consolidated these lawsuits into an “MDL” in the United States District Court of Arizona, where the Honorable David Campbell oversees the proceedings. Judge Campbell issued several orders. These orders outline the process for discovery. They will also determine how to select the first few trial cases.

What Types of PowerPorts  is this Affecting? 

This is a list of the ports that may have issues. This list has expanded over time, so there could be ports that are not on it that are experiencing similar issues. 

What To Do if a Bard PowerPort Has Caused You Injury

KBA has a dedicated and experienced team of lawyers. We represent those who have been harmed by dangerous medical devices. Combined, KBA attorneys have decades of experience litigating cases against some of the largest medical devices manufacturers in the world. 

Have you been injured after implantation of a Bard PowerPort? Are you not sure which port you have? Contact us now for a free case evaluation. Our law firm can help you determine which port you have, and we can advise you of your rights.


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