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Nursing Home Falls May Be Increasing

  • March 5, 2024
  • KBA Attorneys
  • No Comments

We receive and review information from several sources. Recently, a Dr. Mackles observed data showing an increase in nursing home falls. The source is the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. It appears there has been a 25% increase in nursing home falls with an injury there. KBA Attorneys litigates nursing home fall cases.

Nursing Homes Should be Aware of Fall Risks

As the department noted, “According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 1 in 4 adults aged 65 and older falls each year.” Similarly foreseeable are the serious injuries from falls. “About 1 in 4 falls cause a serious injury like a broken bone or head injury, and more than 95% of hip fractures are caused by falling.”

The Consequences of Falls within Nursing Homes is Significant, but Preventable

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health Data has shared startling statistics. It noted that “[d]ata included in the Special Emphasis Report: Unintentional Fall Injuries among Older Adults, 2006-2014 published by the Injury Surveillance Program and Injury Prevention Control Program, shows that it’s estimated that nursing home residents make up about 18% of elder falls (individuals who are 65 years or older) that result in death.”

The Department shared a wonderful visual showing the risks and the preventive measures nursing homes can take to keep residents safe.

A bubble graph presenting risk and protective factors for falls with injury for nursing home residents from 2013-2018.

Preventing Falls with Injury in Nursing Homes | The department provides additional resources for Massachusetts nursing homes to protect residents from falling. See, e.g., Older Adult Falls Prevention | the US CDC provides general resources as well, Keep on Your Feet—Preventing Older Adult Falls | Features | Injury Center | CDC.

Governments Cannot Assure Nursing Home Safety; the Nursing Homes Must Protect Patients

Although the government regulates Massachusetts nursing homes, just like governments regulate Maryland nursing homes and others, they cannot assure complete safety in nursing homes. They cannot inspect all facilities at all times. Indeed, an investigation in Massachusetts found government inspection failures over many years – Mass. has failed to conduct full inspections of some nursing homes for years, 25 Investigates finds – Boston 25 News.

 If Your Loved One Fell in a Nursing Home and Suffered a Serious Physical Injury, Contact KBA Attorneys

KBA Attorneys represent people who suffer serious injuries in nursing homes. Reza Davani leads our team with Lauren Henry. These trial lawyers have done well for our clients, though every case is different and past results do not guarantee future positive outcomes. Each case depends on the facts involved, so contact us today if your loved one fell in a nursing home in Massachusetts, Maryland, DC, New Jersey, North Carolina, Florida, or Pennsylvania.