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Recent scientific evidence has established a link between Dacthal (also known as “DCPA”) exposure and infant health problems. These health problems can be severe and irreversible.
If you meet the following criteria, you may be eligible to receive compensation:

  •  Women who, while pregnant, worked on a farm or nursery where fruits, tomatoes, onions, or leafy greens (e.g. broccoli, kale, cabbage) were grown; or otherwise applied Dacthal as part of their duties as a landscaper or groundskeeper; AND
  • Had a child born with impaired brain development; neurological issues; and/or congenital abnormalities or deformities.

Recent EPA Emergency Action:

On August 6, 2024, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) issued an Emergency Order that called for the immediate suspension of all registrations of Dacthal pesticides. This is the first time in 40 years that the EPA has taken this type of emergency action. When announcing the ban, the EPA spokesperson said:

“DCPA is so dangerous that it needs to be removed from the market immediately. It’s EPA’s job to protect people from exposure to dangerous chemicals. In this case, pregnant women who may never even know they were exposed could give birth to babies that experience irreversible lifelong health problems.”

Dacthal Products and Use:

AMVAC Chemical Corporation is the sole producer of Dacthal. Dacthal is a powerful pesticide that is used in agricultural applications and on ornamental turf and plants. Dacthal is used as a pre-emergent chemical to eliminate weeds and grass. It is both powerful and has a long residual life. Dacthal is not commonly used in household products and is mostly seen in farming and high-grade industrial applications.

Most Common Agricultural Crops where Dacthal is Used:

  •  Tomatoes
  • Leafy Greens: Kale / Cabbage / Brussels Sprouts / Bok Choy
  • Broccli
  • Onions
  • Strawberries

Most Common Non-Agricultural Applications of Dacthal:

  • Golf Course Management / Turf Applications
  • Large Scale Landscaping and Shrub Management
  • Parks and Playground Management

Birth Injuries from Dacthal:

Children of women exposed to Dacthal during pregnancy are at an increased risk of having a birth injury or birth defect. Dacthal has been liked to the following injuries:

  • Impaired Brain Development
  • Neurological Injuries
  • Impaired Motor Skills
  • Low Birth Weight
  • Congenital Abnormalities or Deformations

Some of these injuries are severe and permanent.

Scientific evidence also shows that immediate or direct exposure to Dacthal is not required for the chemical to have harmful affects to the unborn, as pregnant women can be exposed to “spray drift,” where Dacthal can be transported in the air. Additionally, unsafe levels of Dacthal can remain in soil and/or plants for upwards of 25 days more.

Therefore, workers who once thought they and their unborn child were safe because they waited 12 hours or more before entering an affected area now know that they and their unborn child may have been exposed to harmful levels of the product.

How KBA Attorneys Can Help:

KBA is investigating cases on behalf of women who were exposed to Dacthal and, following exposure, had children were born with neurological deficits or birth defects. Contact KBA Attorneys to see if you qualify. KBA Attorneys will provide a free no-cost consultation.

KBA Attorneys has decades of experience successfully representing victims of exposure to chemicals, drugs, and medical devices. If you or a loved one has been exposed to Dacthal and has had a child with birth injuries, contact KBA Attorneys to see if you have a claim.


Want to Learn More?

Read about DCPA in our latest blogs. We have written about this three times this month.

Understanding the EPA’s Actions on Dacthal DCPA

EPA Takes Historic Action to Ban Dangerous Pesticide DCPA

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Issues an Emergency Order