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Our past record is no assurance that we will be successful in reaching a favorable result in any future case. Each case is different, so please contact us to discuss the specifics of yours.

*KBA will not respond to every submission. We cannot respond to every communication received. Also, we only work on certain kinds of cases and even within those practice areas, only on cases with certain facts and legal issues involved. This is not an opinion about your potential claim. Just because we do not respond, does not mean you do not have a claim, and there may be strict timelines to file a claim. So if you do not hear from us within a week, please contact another law firm immediately.

**There is no attorney client relationship created by contacting us. Nor is this intended as a solicitation to create an attorney-client relationship to provide legal services concerning any particular issue. We must be hired to represent you. To hire us, you must sign our retainer agreement. Accordingly, contacting us does not create or constitute an attorney-client relationship. We must review the information submitted and gather additional information to decide whether we can help. If we believe we can help based on and relying on the information provided, we would then have you sign a retainer – an agreement to hire us.

***Nothing here is intended to convey or constitute legal advice, or to provide a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a qualified attorney. You should not act upon any information on this site without seeking qualified legal counsel regarding your specific needs.

No one should expect similar results reading this. Each case is different and our past record is no assurance that we will be successful in reaching a favorable result in any future case.