Read up on the latest concerning hernia mesh lawsuits. Our law firm litigates hernia mesh lawsuits. We handle most cases in-house and firms refer their hernia mesh cases to us. This page is where we’ll provide hernia mesh updates concerning hernia mesh lawsuits.
Before diving in, we want to clarify one thing. Some folks think there may be a hernia mesh class action lawsuit. We are not aware of any hernia mesh class action lawsuit. A class action lawsuit involves an individual or small number of individuals filing a lawsuit on behalf of similarly situated people, litigating, and resolving the class action for them and then those other people – who do not have their own lawsuit – being notified to opt in or out of the class action settlement. Here, the hernia mesh lawsuits are individual cases, not a class action.
KBA Continues Litigating Hernia Mesh Lawsuits
Some injured patients sued various hernia mesh companies across the country. Atrium, Bard, Covidien, Ethicon, and Lifecell are some examples of recent hernia mesh litigations. The hernia mesh lawsuits involve cases where a patient had a hernia mesh removal. Some law firms have stopped representing patients; KBA has not. KBA Attorneys litigates Atrium, Bard, Covidien, and Lifecell (Strattice) cases.
We work up our hernia mesh cases personally. Our hernia mesh attorneys file lawsuits, take depositions, and try hernia mesh lawsuits. We work with preeminent experts – scientists and doctors. Our hernia mesh lawyers litigate hernia mesh lawsuits assertively. We publish hernia mesh updates here.
Thousands of Hernia Mesh Failures for Decades
Hernia mesh failures occur. Surgeons place hernia mesh in patients to repair hernias. In some, there is then a hernia mesh removal. For decades we have seen vast hernia mesh failures. These hernia mesh failures lead to hernia mesh lawsuits.
As of 2024, thousands of lawsuits exist across the country. These lawsuits are against manufacturers such as C.R. Bard, LifeCell (Strattice), Covidien, and Atrium Medical Corp. The KBA team is led by Partner Robert Price.
The claims from patients are complaints that the hernia mesh used for their hernia surgeries have caused health issues such as chronic pain, infection, adhesions, hernia recurrence, bowel perforation, bowel obstruction, mesh migration, mesh rejection, and more. Some patients had to have the mesh removed or undergo hernia revision surgery.
If you have experienced any of these symptoms due to hernia revision surgery, then contact KBA Attorneys for professional legal assistance. In the meanwhile, here’s the latest in hernia mesh lawsuits. Check back for hernia mesh updates.
Who Are Plaintiffs Suing in Hernia Mesh Lawsuits?
Our firm stated these hernia mesh lawsuits. We studied the science, developed the experts, assembled a team, and filed the first hernia mesh lawsuit against this defendant.
LifeCell made a mesh from pig tissue called Strattice. Thus, it’s a biologic mesh. It also made a product from dead humans called Alloderm. There was litigation about that product years ago, which resolved. A NJ state court consolidated cases around 2014. Defendants successful eliminated some of the plaintiffs’ claims.
KBA Attorneys filed lawsuits with their co-counsel, Cohen and Malad (“CM”), against LifeCell concerning the Strattice mesh. This litigation is consolidated in NJ state and federal court. Plaintiffs recently survived Defendants’ challenges to various claims. LifeCell Must Face Trial in N.J. Bellwether Strattice Hernia Mesh Case, Judge Rules | HarrisMartin Publishing. KBA is proud of attorney Robert Price, along with attorneys at CM, for this victory. The defendant won the first trial, but these hernia mesh lawsuits will continue.
The first trial went Defendants’ way in state court in New Jersey. We are appealing some rulings. Another trial will take place in the spring of 2025. It also involves hernia mesh removal. Our mesh hernia lawyers are ready to fight the hundreds of hernia mesh lawsuits that remain.
Current status: April 2025, defense pick trial starts.
C.R. Bard Hernia Mesh
Bard has the largest hernia mesh market share. This hernia mesh manufacturer created the 3DMax hernia mesh. The 3DMax was put on the market in 2009 and is made up of a material called polypropylene. The 3DMax did not have to go through pre-market studies and was approved in October 2008 through the 510(k) program.
Bard claims that the 3DMax Mesh is fixation-free, easy to position, and reduces pain for patients. However, the polypropylene material has been known to cause many health complications such as chronic pain, mesh migration, and mesh rejection. Some patients even require additional surgery.
C.R. Bard’s Composix Kugel Mesh was another defective medical device manufactured by the company that was recalled. This particular product was recalled in 2005, 2006, and 2007. There have been a plethora of lawsuits involving Kugel Mesh. Other hernia mesh products that have been repeatedly recalled include:
- Bard Composix E/X
- Bard PerFix Plug
- Bard Sepramesh
- Bard Ventralex ST
Many Bard Lawsuits are being filed with allegations of the company selling defective hernia mesh. These lawsuits are in state and federal courts all over the country. If you have experienced complications because of a C.R. Bard hernia mesh medical device, then contact a professional attorney today.
Bard hernia mesh products KBA Attorneys are litigating:
- Bard Mesh (Flat Sheet; Flat Sheet w/Keyhole)
- Composix
- Composix E/X
- Composix L/P
- Composite Prosthesis/Composix
- Composix Kugel (only if the product was removed within the last three years unless the product reference/cat numbers are 0010201, 0010203, and 0010205)
- Kugel
- Marlex
- Perfix Plug
- Perfix Light Plug
- SepraMesh – if manufactured after 12/14/2007 by Bard
- SpermaTex
- Ventralex
- Ventralex ST
- Ventralight ST
- Ventrio
- Ventrio ST
- Visilex
- 3DMax
The vast majority Bard hernia mesh lawsuits are effectively on hold. There is an action in federal court and in Rhode Island state court. Our firm litigates Bard hernia mesh lawsuits in both venues.
Covidien Hernia Mesh
Medtronic now owns Coviden. Based in MA, Covidien created a line of hernia mesh years ago. They had a fairly large market share.
There are two broad Covidien hernia mesh categories, monofilament (“mono”) and multifilament (“multi”). There are Covidien hernia mesh lawsuits in a few places including state court in MA, a federal MDL, and Minnesota, we believe. KBA Attorneys are active in the MA venue where we have filed well over a thousand cases.
Covidien hernia mesh products KBA is pursuing:
- Progrip (mono)
- Parietex (multi)
- Parietex Composite (PCO) (multi)
- Parietex Composite Open Skirt (PCO OS) (multi)
- Parietex Composite Parastomal (PCO PM) (mono)
- Parietex Composite Hiatal Mesh (PCO 2H)
- Parietex Composite Ventral Patch (PCO VP) (mono)
- Parietex Flat Sheet Mesh
- Parietex Folding Mesh
- Parietex Hydrophilic Anatomical Mesh (multi)
- Parietex Lightweight Monofilament Mesh (mono)
- Parietex Optimized Composite Mesh (multi)
- Parietex Optimized Open Skirt Mesh (multi)
- Parietex Progrip (mono)
- Parietex Plug and Patch (mono)
- Symbotex (mono)
- Surgipro – all types (mono and multi versions)
Our firm litigates Covidien hernia mesh lawsuits. We are pursuing both groups of Covidien hernia mesh, monofilament and multifilament. We expect to be even more active in the hernia mesh lawsuits in the coming months.
These hernia mesh updates concerning the active hernia mesh lawsuits are not a hernia mesh class action lawsuit. We are not aware of a hernia mesh class action lawsuit. The hernia mesh lawsuits are individual cases mostly consolidated before a federal or state court judge.
Are You Eligible for a Hernia Mesh Lawsuit?
- You were over 18 years old when the doctor implanted hernia mesh inside you;
- You were not pregnant at the time of implant when the surgeon implanted the hernia mesh inside you
- A doctor put (implanted) hernia mesh inside your body on or after May 1, 2014
- If it happened BEFORE May 1, 2024, we will consider your case if you have medical records showing what hernia mesh product the surgeon implanted into you AND showing a surgery to remove or revise/modify that same hernia mesh;
- A doctor removed or revised (modified) the mesh due to a problem with the mesh
If this is your experience, KBA Attorneys may be able to help. Patients who discover that the hernia mesh used in his or her surgery was recalled should first speak with a medical professional for medical assistance. The next step should be to contact an experienced attorney so they may review your case and give you information about receiving monetary compensation. You can reach the Hernia Mesh team directly at, you can also contact us here.
Will there be a hernia mesh settlement in 2024?
Well, we now know. The answer is no. There is one in principal concerning Bard, but no payouts in 2024, maybe some in 2025. Atrium and some of Ethicon’s hernia mesh claims continued their publicly noted settlement programs.
Will there be a hernia mesh settlement in 2024?
For sure Bard will settle, to some degree. Whether there will be payments made is to be seen.
What is the average payout for hernia mesh lawsuit?
- Current Hernia Mesh Review News (Dec. 2024)
- The Hidden Risks of Hernia Mesh
- What to Do After Hernia Mesh Removal: A Guide to Next Steps
- Hernia Mesh Implant Use is Widespread and Risky
- Symptoms of Hernia Mesh Complications (
- Hernia Mesh Lawsuits Continue (
- Hernia Mesh Lawsuit | Class Action Lawyer (
- What to Do When You Believe You May Have Received a Faulty Medical Device