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The latest in the Transvaginal Mesh (TVM) MDL

  • July 30, 2018
  • KBA Attorneys
  • No Comments

We have an update from the MDL (multidistrict litigation) regarding recent decisions and activities.

Of the 120,000 cases filed, 5,000 remain unsettled. The Judge is ending the MDL. There are a number of cases that are on the inactive docket. They should have moved to dismissal, but many haven’t. They expire at the end of August. We anticipate they will go back on the active docket with strict timelines.

Some plaintiffs’ counsel have further delayed filing dismissals. If a Defendant has a release and it is funded, they can now file a dismissal. They have to represent they have a release and have funded. The Court hopes this will speed it up a resolution. The message: act now or it will be done for you.

The takeaway – if you’re a plaintiffs’ lawyer and you haven’t settled your cases, or you have, but you’re behind on filings, get back on the horse and reconnect. The clock is ticking and this MDL is wrapping up.

Justin Browne, Esq.