The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is a federal agency designed to protect the United States against threats. The Blue Campaign, by the...
Police said they have uncovered 15 victims of a 1990’s male trafficking ring, one that was discovered recently in 2016 by a state probation officer....
On September 26th, 2018, Operation MiSafeKid found 123 missing children during a one-day sweep by the U.S Marshals Service and Michigan State Police. While the...
We recently wrote about the new anti-trafficking law, FOSTA, on our blog and for a peer-reviewed journal, MAJ’s Trial Reporter. In short, the new law...
Baltimore City prosecutors recently indicted a Baltimore City man who had groomed victims as young as 15 on social media and trafficked them into prostitution....
Rare justice for person who suffered from human trafficking. Human trafficking doesn't always involve sex. In fact, other forms of labor trafficking are far more...
Human trafficking, the trade of humans for the purpose of forced labor, sexual slavery or exploitation, is happening every day across the country. Thousands of...