KBA Attorneys litigate product liability cases. This includes consumer products like eScooters, Paraquat, Stanley Trigger Action Travel Mug, Dacthal, video game addication, and Air Fryers like the PowerXL Air Fryer recall. It includes medical device cases like Biozorb, hips, and Cartiva toe implants.
Another subgroup of those are baby-related product cases. We monitor recalls of baby products and provide information here. There have been several baby lounger recalls as reported in the news. The Consumer Product Safety Commission issues warnings.
They had one in August concerning loungers from Mamibaby, Yoocaa, DHZJM, Cosy Nation and Hyhuudth. Five babies died giving rise to those recalls. This came after another recall in July 2024, a related one in in June 2024, and yet another in April 2024 as Forbes reported. Today we cover the Snuggle Me Lounger.
Snuggle Me Infant Lounger – Are Snuggle Me Loungers Safe?
Parents buy products to sooth their babies. Some are dangerous. One such product may be the Snuggle Me Baby Lounger. We have seen reports on social media like Reddit. We are aware of a lawsuit a Plaintiff filed concerning the snuggle me lounger. They have sold many products, but it does take time for this risks to come out. We can’t say if they are safe or not now. It seems the jury is out right now.
Infants May Die in Snuggle Me Loungers Per One Lawsuit
A plaintiff filed a personal injury lawsuit against Peak 22 Holdings, Inc., Simply Mommy LLC, and Target Corporation. Plaintiff alleges the Snuggle Me Baby Lounger contributed to an infant’s death.
The child suffered injuries resulting in death from the baby lounger per the lawsuit. Accordingly, the Hoppers decided to hold the companies liable. We fear other families are at risk.
In this case, a caregiver placed the 7-month old into the baby lounger to sleep. When the plaintiff returned they found the baby rolled over. The lounger trapped the baby between the pillows and headboard.
Tragically, the baby was unconsciousness. The infant died a day later. Again, this is one lawsuit. Many have been sold.
Defendants’ (Peak 22 Holdings, Inc., Simply Mommy LLC, and Target Corporation) Potential Negligence for the Snuggle Me Baby Lounger
The Plaintiffs identified the following acts of negligence by Defendants:
- Failing to design an infant lounger that would be safe for its intended use
- Failing to warn general public of the hidden dangers of the lounger
- Failing to test product to make sure it was suitable for intended purpose
- Placing infant lounger into stream of commerce when it was not safe for consumers
Truly the conduct here may rise to the legal of gross negligence. Hence, the lawsuit set forth a cause of action for that tort as well.
The Snuggle Me Baby Lounger Failures May Constitute Gross Negligence
Defendants’ conduct seems careless, with reckless disregard of Plaintiffs’ rights. They appeared to miss safety signals in the design and instructions. One could argue it reflects conscious indifference to the rights, welfare, and safety of Plaintiffs.
Plaintiff also Sued for Strict Products Liability Concerning the Snuggle Me Baby Lounger
In addition to a negligence claim, Plaintiff sued for the following strict product liability claims.
- Defendants placing into the stream of commerce an unreasonably dangerous and defective product
- Defendants designed, manufactured, assembled, tested (or failed to test), inspected (or failed to inspect), packaged, labeled, fabricated, constructed, analyzed, distributed, serviced, merchandised, advertised, promoted, marketed, and sold the product.
- The product was unsafe because of the defects in the design, manufacture, testing, labeling, packaging, and marketing.
- The baby lounger instructions lacked the necessary information for Plaintiffs to understand the safe intended use of the product.
- The failure to alert Plaintiffs that the baby lounger was not intended for extended sleeping involved a material fact concerning the character or quality of the product in question.
- Plaintiffs relied upon the representations by the Defendants in purchasing the product in question.
KBA Attorneys litigate product liability cases like this. Indeed, we have an focus on baby product cases. Having litigated baby injury cases from medical malpractice to products, we know how to fight for justice for families.
The Snuggle Me Lounger Allegedly Failed to Comply with Its Express Warranty
The lawsuit also alleges breach of express warranty. Specifically:
- Defendants placed products into the stream of commerce via advertising and professional publications that urge the purchase and use of the products while expressly warranting the snuggle me baby lounger was effective and safe.
Plaintiff also brought a second warranty claim.
The Snuggle Me Baby Lounger May Violate Assumed Warranties As Well
Another claim in the lawsuit is break of assumed warranties. In particular, the Plaintiffs allege:
- Defendants implied to members of the general public, including Plaintiffs, that the product was of merchantable quality and safe for the use for which it was intended.
- The characteristics referenced above resulted in conditions that rendered the products unfit for the ordinary purpose for which they were to be used because of the lack of something necessary for adequacy.
- Plaintiffs will show that the injury suffered by Revel Hopper was caused by the breach of implied warranty of merchantability by the Defendant.
- Defendants implied to members of the public, including Plaintiffs, that the product was of merchantable quality and safe for the use for which it was intended.
- The characteristics referenced above resulted in a condition that rendered the baby lounger unfit for the ordinary purpose for which it was to be used because of the lack of something necessary for adequacy.
Plaintiffs May Recover Medical Expenses, Lost Income, and for Pain and Suffering if the Snuggle Me Lounger Injured the Child
The baby trapped in the Snuggle Me Lounger suffered physical pain as it struggled and ultimately died. It experienced suffering and mental anguish. The parents experienced emotional distress as well. The Snuggle Me Baby Lounger took decades of love, companionship, and care from the parents, if the claims are correct.
They likely incurred medical expenses. The baby lost a lifetime of earning capacity. They may be able to recover these economic damages as well. That is in addition to the funeral and burial expenses.
How to Prioritize Safety When Choosing Baby Products like the Snuggle Me Lounger?
Harmful baby products exist and pose significant risks to the health and safety of infants. These risks can be minimal or have serious long-term consequences. The infant here’s life ended too soon because companies decided to endorse and distribute unsafe products.
We should protect the most vulnerable members of society. Companies must make products that help and are safe. Accurate safety testing and truthful reporting about products like the Snuggle Me Lounger should be of the highest priority.
Advertising and labeling needs to include safety instructions. Disclosure of risks and consequences if the product is not used correctly are critical. However, some risks and hazards simple cannot be mitigated by instructions and warnings. Unfortunately, this infant is likely only one of many babies that have suffered from baby products like the Snuggle Me Baby lounger.
In the past few years there has been an increase in baby products causing suffocation, asphyxiation or a loss of oxygen as the cause of death. Baby loungers specifically have resulted in an alarming amount of baby injuries and deaths.
KBA Stands with Families Who Suffer Loses Like This
The two loving parents lost their child because they trusted the Snuggle me baby lounger and it failed, according to their lawsuit. Good parents trying to provide the best for their children should never see their child suffer because of it. Companies’ careless, avoidable mistakes can hurt people and end lives.
This family will never see their child grow up. Their decision to take action against the companies who are responsible for manufacturing, testing, advertising, etc. of the Snuggle Me lounger will not bring the baby back. However, this decision will help bring justice for the fallen infant and help prevent this same tragedy from happening to another family’s baby.
It is important to acknowledge that these are simply claims made against the company and product. We cannot attest to them; we did not independently evaluate or verify them; we’re simply providing information from these sources. The company has sold many products and we did not see a recall. Sometimes cases like this are dismissed. Nonetheless, it exemplifies product cases we see from time to time, including within the baby world.
If you have experienced something similar to the snuggle me lounger case noted here or have seen your baby suffer because of a product that was supposed to protect them and help them thrive, our law firm is here to help you. We are committed to making sure babies are being protected and that the companies harming them are punished. Contact us today to discuss your matter.