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Sexual harassment in the workplace is an epidemic. Polls have found that more than half of women in the United States have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace. Seventy percent of Americans say there is a problem.

Decades of polls reveal that the problem is not new nor has it gotten any better. But that doesn’t mean victims of sexual harassment have to suffer in silence.

Sexual harassment is against the law, and countless people have brought cases against harassers for discrimination. Not only does it provide compensation for victims harassed by others at work but it helps discourage others from harassing coworkers. Our Maryland workplace sexual harassment lawyers could help you if you experienced this.

Sexual Harassment Statistics

The exact numbers around sexual harassment are unknown. Not only do people fail to report sexual harassment over fear of retaliation but there is often shame and embarrassment placed on those who do.

Still, polls and study reveal an alarming number of victims of sexual harassment.

In a comprehensive study released by the EEOC in 2016, anywhere between 25% to 85% of women say they have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace. This means that at least one in four women have been sexually harassed at work.

Although sexual harassment studies focus primarily on women, some have also asked men if they experienced sexual harassment. Studies in 1981, 1988, and 1994 found that between 14% and 19% of men who responded experienced unwanted sexual attention or coercion.

One of the most alarming revelations from the EEOC study was that roughly 75% of employees who spoke up about sexual harassment in the workplace faced some form of retaliation. This is why it’s not surprising anywhere between 87% and 94% of victims do not file a formal complaint.

Types of Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

The EEOC Guidelines give two types of sexual harassments in the workplace: quid pro quo and hostile environment.

Quid Pro Quo

Quid pro quo is when a manager or authority figure tries to coerce sexual favors from another by basing that person’s employment decisions on whether they relent. The term itself means “something for something” in Latin. An example of quid pro quo sexual harassment would be a manager saying directly or implying that a person would receive a promotion in exchange for sex. An authority figure may also threaten a person’s job if they do not give that authority figure sexual favors.

Hostile Environment

Hostile environment sexual harassment occurs if there are repeated sexual advances, inappropriate jokes, obscene gestures, or threats that make a workplace intimidating and difficult to work in. Quid pro quo harassment typically only involves those in a position of power while hostile environments can be created by coworkers and nonemployees. Examples include sending lewd images to a coworker’s email, repeatedly telling sexually explicit jokes or anecdotes, inappropriate touching, or derogatory remarks made about someone’s sex.

Although quid pro quo and hostile environment are considered two categories, they are not mutually exclusive. The line between the two forms of harassment are not always clear, and they often occur together.

Sexual Harassment & Employer Liability

Whether an employer is legally responsible for sexual harassment depends on the type of harassment and who committed it.

An employer can be liable if harassment is committed by a superior like a supervisor and there is a tangible action against an employee. This includes demotion, termination, or a change in job responsibilities.

An employer can also be held liable in a hostile work environment. However, an employer may argue it exercised reasonable care to prevent or correct the harassment but the harasser did not react to the company’s intervention.

Past Sexual Harassment Cases & Settlements

Countless sexual harassment cases have been tried in court over the years. Here are a few of the most high-profile cases.

Sanders V. Madison Square Garden LP Et Al

In 2006, former basketball player Anucha Browne Sanders filed a lawsuit against Isiah Thomas, then coach of the New York Knicks. She claimed that Thomas fired her in retaliation for complaining about unwanted advances. A jury awarded her $11.6 million after finding Thomas and Madison Square Garden liable.

Carlson V. Ailes

In 2016, former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson alleged that the network’s then chairman, Roger Ailes, had sexually harassed her. She said she was fired from her show for refusing Ailes’ sexual advances. The parent company of Fox News eventually settled the lawsuit for $20 million.

Chipotle Mexican Grill

A 16-year-old girl accused the assistant manager at a Chipotle restaurant of pressuring her into a sexual relationship in 2013. A Houston jury found the store’s general manager covered up the relationship and created a hostile work environment. She was awarded more than $7.5 million.