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Social Security Disability Available for those In Need

  • May 26, 2020
  • KBA Attorneys
  • No Comments

What is Social Security Disability?

People need Social Security Disability more than ever. Social security disability benefits help to people with disabilities. A “disability” includes many things.

Social Security Disability Insurance (SSD/SSDI) pays people who worked and paid Social Security taxes. Supplemental Security Income pays benefits based on financial need. SSD/SSDI, is a separate program. SSDI and workers’ compensation are two separate programs, so you can receive benefits for both if you qualify. With SSDI, you may be eligible for up to $2,700 per month in disability benefits and health insurance under Medicare.

Who can receive social security disability payments?

Social Security disability insurance is coverage that workers earn. There are tools online to see if you are eligible. One example is the Benefits Eligibility Screening Tool. The Social Security Act defines disability strictly. Following is a guideline for social security disability benefits that our co-counsel firm shared with us.

Social security disability in a nutshell.

The process tries to find out information about the following.

  • You are out of work or earning less than $1,220 per month.
  • Your medical condition(s) prevents you from working and has lasted/is expected to last for 12 months or results in death.
  • The medical condition(s) meet the SSA’s requirements for that specific condition.
  • You cannot perform the work you’ve done in the past.
  • You cannot perform other types of work in the national economy.

Obtaining benefits. 

You should apply for social security disability as soon as you become disabled. Even if it past that point, you can still apply. You can apply online, or by calling 1-800-772-1213. The Disability Starter Kit will help you get ready for your disability interview or online application. We suggest you speak with an attorney first. You can usually consult with one for free. The criteria are strict and receiving benefits can impact other areas of your life.

In the meantime, here are four ways to improve your chances of receiving social security disability benefits. First, file as soon as you can. The process can take months, even years.. Second, stay positive and hopeful. Attorneys can help even after denials even though 70% of initial claims are denied. See a doctor and get treatment; keep records of your medical conditions. Finally, work with experienced disability attorneys.