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Cartiva Attorney - KBA

Free Cartiva Toe Implant Failure  Evaluation

Do you need an attorney to represent you for your Cartiva toe implant? We can help you.

If you have suffered from any complications after a Cartiva toe implant surgery, contact us today! We fight to help bring justice to the patients allegedly injured by the Cartiva implants and hold the makers of the Cartiva toe fully responsible for putting the company above the well-being of the Cartiva toe patients! The Cartiva implant failure symptoms can include:

  • Cartiva Revision
  • Cartiva Removal
  • Subsidence
  • Nerve Damage
  • Implant Slippage
  • Pain in the Joint
  • Limited Mobility
  • Gait affect, such as limping or favoring the other leg
  • Cartiva® Revision
  • Cartiva® Removal surgery
  • Erosion
  • Fragmentation
  • Infection

Do You Have A Case?

If you received a Cartiva toe implant, and you were forced to have it removed, replaced, or revision surgery, you might be entitled to financial compensation, but you need to contact us soon, as time is running out. Complete the form or call us for a free case review to see if you can qualify for representation to help you receive the financial compensation you deserve!

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How Much Is Your Cartiva Failure Case Worth?

Contact Us Today For A Free Evaluation

 A seasoned attorney can review your legal options, and we can educate you about the Cartiva lawsuit. These implants are medical devices and present complex legal issues. The attorneys at KBA are experienced medical device lawyers. You might be eligible to seek legal relief against the manufacturers of the defective implant that caused you harm.


Our Experienced Team Ready To Help You At Every Step

Cartiva implant lawsuit attorney Justin Browne

Experience That Matters

Justin Browne


Cartiva implant failure lawsuit attorney Whitney Butcher

Securing Large Settlements

Whitney Butcher


Cartiva failure attorney Reza Davani

Care At Every Step

Reza Davani


Start Your Free Cartiva Implant Lawsuit Review Today

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Cartiva big toe implant attorneys

Connect With Us

There is no attorney client relationship created by contacting us, and we must be hired by signing a retainer to represent you. We have lawyers licensed in NH, MA, MD, FL, TX, CA, NC and PA, and work around the country on cases with lawyers licensed in other states. Past results do not guarantee future results. Nothing here is intended to convey or constitute legal advice, or to provide a substitute for obtaining legal advice from a qualified attorney. Attorney Reza Davani is responsible for the content of this attorney advertising.