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Boy Scouts Sexual Abuse is Underestimated

For decades, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) has been hailed as one of America’s greatest organizations for young people. From former presidents such as John F. Kennedy and George W. Bush, to other famous individuals touting the benefits of their scouting experiences, it appeared as if there was no better group from which young men could learn good manners, develop a sound moral compass, and acquire skills that would aid them throughout their lives. However, in recent years disturbing reports have emerged detailing numerous incidents of alleged sexual abuse of scouts by Scoutmasters. Because of this, many victims are now exploring their legal options by consulting with KBA Attorneys in an effort to receive compensation for being sexually assaulted by those whom they trusted.

Hundreds of Boy Scouts Sexual Abuse Victims

To date, attorneys have gathered information from 428 current and former Boy Scouts detailing years of alleged rape, molestation, and sexual abuse, giving credence to the belief that the pedophile problem within the Boy Scouts of America rivals that of the Catholic Church sexual abuse problems. According to one victim’s attorney, at one time the Boy Scouts of America was kicking out child molesters from the organization at a rate of one every 48 hours for over a century. If proven true, this would indicate a situation where child sexual abuse was allowed to continue unchecked, forever impacting the lives of countless victims. 

Lying to Congress?

According to attorneys for many of the alleged victims, the Boy Scouts of America may also be guilty of lying to Congress for decades regarding the status of its organization. As a federally chartered non-profit organization, the Boy Scouts of America is required to provide Congress with annual reports detailing its activities. However, it appears that while the organization provided details regarding finances and other related data, it failed to disclose possible problems regarding sexual abuse allegations.

A Gross Underestimation

According to the latest data, between 1944 and 2016, it is believed 7,800 suspected pedophiles within the Boy Scouts of America sexually assaulted 12,254 boys. While these numbers are staggering, experts examining this situation have little doubt that these numbers are a gross underestimation of the actual abuse that took place over those years. These numbers, obtained by examining what was commonly known within the BSA as the “P Files,” short for “Perversion Files,” likely do not include those victims who were shamed or intimidated into never reporting their sexual abuse allegations. Since it is common for many Scoutmasters to hold positions of influence within their communities, their power over victims and their families was immense, likely resulting in many unreported incidents.

Race Against Time

Due to the mounting expenses related to litigation, the Boy Scouts of America is on the verge of filing for bankruptcy, taking a play out of the Catholic church’s playbook in regards to limiting or avoiding sexual abuse litigation. If this occurs, it could potentially present a problem for many victims who are now seeking restitution for damages. If indeed the BSA files for bankruptcy, victims and their attorneys will be fighting against the clock as they will have a narrow window of time to file lawsuits against the organization. Because of this, if you or a loved one has been a victim of sexual abuse from a BSA Scoutmaster or other individual affiliated with the organization, speak with KBA Attorneys as soon as possible to make sure those responsible for the abuse will be held accountable for their actions.

“Hidden Predators”

While the number of alleged pedophiles that have been named by the Boy Scouts of America is staggering, most legal experts have concerns there are hundreds more whose identities are still being hidden from the public. According to some experts familiar with this situation, there could be as many as 300 “hidden predators” whose names have not been revealed, and may in fact still be active within the organization. Unfortunately, if the BSA is successful in filing for bankruptcy, these names may never come to light, which will enable these child sex predators to continue their abusive behavior against children. 

Extending the Statute of Limitations

Surprising to many people, it has been disclosed that the Boy Scouts of America hired lobbyists to meet with members of Congress in an effort to convince lawmakers not to allow numerous states to extend the statute of limitations that would give victims of sexual abuse additional time to pursue legal action against their abusers. Fearing an onslaught of criminal cases against the organization, the BSA appears to be pulling out all the stops in an effort to put a halt to victims coming forward and filing legal claims for compensation.

Despite efforts by the BSA, states such as New Jersey have passed a law that extends the statute of limitations for sexual abuse victims.

The Life Long Suffering of Sexual Abuse Victims

Like many other victims of child sexual abuse, numerous Boy Scouts have seen their lives shattered by the sexual abuse perpetrated by their Scoutmasters. For some, the abuse resulted in an inability to maintain healthy relationships with their spouses, resulting in divorce. 

Others turned to alcohol and drug use to cope with the emotional pain and shame associated with the abuse. Sadly, many former scouts died from drug overdoses or found themselves in and out of treatment programs or incarceration facilities after being abused by a Scoutmaster.

Don’t Suffer in Silence – Contact KBA Attorneys

While many former scouts have suffered in silence for far too long, it is now time to stand up and hold those responsible for sexual abuse accountable for their actions. If you or a loved one were a victim of Boy Scouts sexual abuse, do not hesitate to contact KBA Attorneys to begin the process of gaining the compensation you deserve.

Contact KBA Attorneys today to speak with our legal team.



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